Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Investing in Africa - some thoughts.

Building a brighter future in Arua!
Investing in Africa is very, very complex.

Capital is both easy and hard to find. There is plenty of microfinance money available, but the amounts are small, the interest rates are high (tending to 100% annualized) and rarely does it allow people to make a significant move up the value chain. The banks have money, but their lending rules are stringent and restrictive. Their rates are lower (25-35%), but it takes months for a loan to be approved and there are tough collateral requirements. Only larger companies can typically qualify for bank loans. By the way, while the bank rates seem high, remember we are working in an environment of 18% inflation!!

This leaves the “missing middle”. Operations that are trying to add value to their overall process by acquiring processing equipment or significantly add to their working capital to build volume or add marketing and distribution capability to their operation. Who serves this group? Too small for banks, too large for microfinance, yet a key generator of economic growth in any environment.

This is the market we are trying to serve because the potential impact of these organizations is so significant. But how can we serve these entrepreneurs? Ideally this would be a venture capital equity investment. Invest in a series of these companies, expect a number to fail and make our return from the handful that succeed and grow quickly. But how can we make an equity investment when these companies often have no formal ownership structure or even official corporate formation. And then there are limited equity markets, so how could we recoup our investment gains even if successful?

We are limited to debt investments that in reality don’t reflect the risk/reward equation that investors would normally look for. If things go well, we get our principal back plus an interest rate, while the company can be launched. If things don’t go well, then even our principal is at risk as there is little collateral. We lose the money in the same way that an equity investment would be lost. In other words we bear all the risk and receive little of the reward.

So how do people operate in these environments? One way is to lend to many operations at a very high (50%+) interest rate. The expectation is that there will be winners and losers and that the interest rate on the winners will cover the losses of the failing companies and provide a reasonable overall return to the money lender. The key is to keep lending overhead low so as to maximize profit.

Our approach is different. We are trying to keep our interest rates lower (@35%) and do a better job of picking winners so that our ratio of successes to losses is relatively high. To do so, we need to be more careful with due diligence and provide more management assistance, all of which add to the overhead costs and therefore reduce the overall return. By doing this our hope is to provide a modest return to investors and provide a beneficial lending model to the entrepreneurs themselves. The jury is out on whether we can make this model work, and that’s why we talk about the Mango Fund as an “exploratory” fund.
Finding a market for the tastiest honey in the world!

In addition to the Mango Fund, we also have a “Seed” Fund. Whilst Mango looks to make loans in the $10-50k range, the Seed Fund looks to make loans from $1-10k. We have successfully transitioned two of our Seed businesses to the Mango Fund for higher levels of investment.

The Seed fund is entirely speculative, funded personally by George Veth and myself and is primarily social in nature with the return being secondary. In fact, we do not expect to make a return on this fund, but instead plan to reinvest the money as many times as possible before it erodes through loan defaults. Our goal though is to build a track record of multiple businesses founded and flourishing that might not have existed at all without the Seed Fund.

In the Seed Fund, we start small, spend a great deal of time with the entrepreneur vetting the ideas, avoid financing “one off “deals, and primarily look for small machinery purchases, or working capital provision that will allow for the operation to move to a higher level of skill, volume and quality.

So far our Seed results are mixed, but I think we are learning from our mistakes. During this last visit, we uncovered a further 7 or 8 potential seed investments in Arua, of which I would expect we will actually invest in 4 or 5. It is pleasing that as we refine our approach, we are finding more people who might qualify. Our hope is to launch a movement of entrepreneurs to transform the community. Pray with us that this might be the outcome.

If you would like to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to write to me, Andy Mills at amills@tkc.edu



Monday, July 9, 2012

Two lessons and the Holy Spirit!

So what was the learning from this last trip and what progress are we making? Such Western Hemisphere questions! Such first world thinking!

Work on the new Out Patient Clinic in which we have invested
I say this because I’m finding myself increasingly at the intersection of two cultures that don’t always look at things the same way. This cultural intersection often explains misunderstandings. Cultural norms are different. Apply a Western norm to a situation and I get confused and upset. Enforce a Western norm and my African friends become confused and irritated.

This is seen particularly in issues of family, savings, money and ambition.

One thing I know is that “turning up” is reaping huge benefits. I’m a great proponent of “focus” in business. I could define focus in mission work as “doing what you know best in the same place over and over again!” In my case its coming to Arua time and time again and trying to help grow businesses. The first time or two you come to a place like Arua, you are a novelty. No-one quite knows what to make of you. The likelihood is that you will not be back. It’s part of “your” life experience. Perhaps one of your bucket list items! But then you come back …again and again. It’s hard for the people you are visiting not to give credence to the fact that you are sharing your life with them. Gradually you understand more and more of the prevailing circumstances, more and more of the cultural distinctives, more and more of the difficulties faced each day in just living life and more and more of what is and isn’t possible.

The second thing I know is that if we don’t rely on the Holy Spirit, then all of this is futile. We must believe in the resurrection power of Jesus to change communities that have been enslaved for centuries. The power of Christ changes hearts and minds, the power of Christ provides resources and the power of Christ transforms communities. I am fully convinced that God does not want the people of Arua and the West Nile to live in this marginal state of security and economic wellbeing. The importance of asking through prayer as individuals and as a community cannot be understated. This challenges me to ask whether I really believe what I believe? Is my God big enough? Is my faith in God strong enough? Will I continue to proclaim that God and that faith to the men and women of Arua?

Some interesting things are beginning to happen. On this trip, a prayer group of business people has begun to meet. A group of leading citizens has begun to gather together and talk about a community approach to the problems facing the community – how to encourage business, how to press for vital infrastructure needs, how to begin to change their long standing family and tribal culture? A group of business people met twice to encourage me and each other to press forward. So much in Africa revolves around community thinking and action. I am encouraged by these early signs. The proof will be whether they continue to meet and push forward in my absence, or whether they only meet when the “Muzungu” or white man comes to town?

May God’s will be done in Arua and west Nile. Amen!

Travel Africa style. Everyone has a right to the road! This herd took 10 minutes to pass!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Life in Pictures!

For the visual learners among us, here was my Sunday in Arua. Enjoy!

The day starts with a kerosene lamp, a gerry can of water and a plastic basin in the bathtub!

On to worship at St Phillips. This is the 7:30 service with about 800 people. My friend Canon Isaac Anguyo preached on marriage. It's impossible not to get close to your neighbor!

Travel Africa style, or how do you get 9 people in one SUV? With my dear friends the Coppedges and their 4 daughters on the way to lunch. The Coppedges are some of the most wonderful people I know. A day spent with them was pure joy!

WGM volunteer Josh from Kentucky about to tuck into a whole grilled Tilapia at the best restaurant in town. Josh grew up in Mississippi and used his crawdaddy eating techniques to pick that fish clean!!

Watching the Euro 2012 final with 400 of our closest friends! Our hopes for Italy died rather quickly, but our hopes for Arua remain strong!
Hope this brings Arua somewhat to life. Come join me some day and experience it for yourself!

The Genesis of the 5810 Project


When Jesus was asked what was the most important command he answered: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your heart and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments”

As a follower of Jesus, it is challenging to obey these commands, particularly with regard to my neighbors.
How can I love my neighbors? How can I love my neighbors in a global context? How can I love my neighbors who are struggling to thrive in developing countries?

The classic response of western Christians has been to “send”. Whether we send those that have been called to vocational ministry, or send money and resources to “give to the poor”, or occasionally send ourselves on short-term missions trips. Each of these has value, but is this enough? Is it effective? Is it all that God calls us to?

The questions become more complex when you consider that no matter how much money we have spent on the “war on poverty” over decades, the problem remains as acute as ever. We are not winning the war, even here in the US. Are there other approaches?

As I struggled with these ideas, I was led to consider Isaiah Chapter 58. Here God tells us what true fasting is – to loose the chains of injustice; to set the oppressed free; to share food with the hungry; and to provide the poor with shelter. Then verse 10 says “…if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed then your light will rise in the darkness and your night will become like the noonday.”

“If you spend yourselves in behalf of others …….”

While we should send, we need to spend too.

What does it look like to spend ourselves?
For me I have been led to spend myself as follows:
• To go to a developing country, and to go repeatedly.
• To develop personal relationships with innovative leaders
• To use my own specific gifting and experience in business
• To find ways to move people out of the poverty cycle on a sustainable basis
• To invest money in parallel with my activities
• To share the love of Christ with my neighbor and to spend myself on their behalf.

5810 Project

The 5810 Project is predicated on the belief that while “teaching a man to fish” will provide him with a fish diet for a lifetime, it will not lead him out of poverty. To escape poverty people need to develop sustainable business activities. The 5810 Project’s vision is to provide an opportunity for business people from developed countries to share the love of Christ with their neighbor by “spending” themselves on behalf of others who are trying to build businesses and break the poverty cycle.

The 5810 Project is currently focused on two principal activities in Uganda.

Arua is a significant market town in the NW of Uganda, with Sudan to the north and Congo to the West. It is an agricultural market town that has grown because of government and NGO activity primarily in S. Sudan, but now increasingly in E. Congo. While the town has prospered and grown, the native Aruans have not enjoyed this economic boon.

Our efforts in Arua are centered on helping the church and Christian business people develop sustainable businesses.
We work with businesspeople to analyze the market situation in Arua, to offer training sessions, to encourage and mentor entrpreneurs and to invest in their businesses.

Jesus Commissioned Ministries (“JCM”) is a church founded in 2000 serving three poor communities on the outskirts of Kampala. The leadership of JCM has a heart to reach the many underprivileged children in the communities it serves. Without education, there is little hope for these children to thrive. While education is available, the costs are prohibitive for most families. JCM has established Mercy Junior School (elementary) for these children. In addition to education, the children receive uniforms, food and school materials. The school currently has over 50 pupils in two Pre-K classes and Primary 1 (P1)and Primary 2 (p2) and is building classrooms for P3,4 & 5 for completion in the spring of 2011.

The 5810 Project has helped Mercy Junior School develop its rudimentary facilities and to buy a neighboring plot of land for expansion. We also advise the administrators of the school on business and education practices and have steered them through a process of becoming a fee-baseda significant drive to parent involvement and elevated educational standards and outcomes.

We believe that the 5810 Project offers a significant opportunity for the body of Christ:
• Grass roots opportunity to create sustainable businesses and deliver families and communities out of the oppression of poverty.
• Many business opportunities are apparent with relatively small investment levels necessary.
• Opportunities for talented business people to connect personally with emerging entrepreneurs and spend themselves on them.
• Opportunity for the body of Christ in the developed world to share the love of Christ with our neighbors in developing countries.
• Transformational impact on the “spender” and recipient alike!

If you would like to discuss this further, please contact me Andy Mills at amills@tkc.edu